And The First Bill Signed In 2020 Is… A Tax Increase
On Monday, Governor Inslee signed the first bill of 2020 and it was none other than… a tax increase on businesses.
SB 6492 raises taxes on businesses to fund the Democrats’ empty promises of ‘free’ college, meanwhile Republicans have proposed actual solutions to the real issue: bloated, unsustainable six-figure administrative salaries that get factored into tuition and dropped on the student’s lap to pay.
For whatever reason, Jay Inslee, Bob Ferguson, and fellow Democrats across Washington state think it’s acceptable to continue their failed tax-and-spend approach, but the good news is we have an election this year and can finally vote out these self-serving politicians.
If you can, pitch in $10 or $20, but if you can’t, there are other ways to help, too! Join your local Republican Unity Network (R.U.N.) team, volunteer to knock on some doors, make some phone calls, spread the word to friends and family, and you will be helping our great Republican candidates, from governor and attorney general to the state house and state senate, win in November!